VENUES: Giardini della Marinaressa, Venice - Italy
ORGANIZER European Cultural Centre – Italy

silicone, cloth, metal

Artwork combines two parts. First The Floods and second The Bridges. Flooding is the center of idea because of its powerful impact including damage it can bring, and If looking from perspective of feelings as emotions that too are sometimes like floods when compressed and not recognised. My interest was: How it comes that I notice the floods but did not notice the signals? Maybe the floods itself is needed for going through previous difficulties and grow? What can we learn from our feelings? What feelings and why am I neglecting so they have to erupt smashing what crosses its way? Could it be that the braking floods brings so much pain that lead to transformational process for building new habits, greater values like new bridges to new path? And than I come to a whole new beginning in my path, overcoming the Floods of emotional pain. And is the second part The Bridges, which is like a new land discovered because of crossing The Bridge. And thanks God a new value has been taken place so that I can choose brighter visions and ways to make decisions.
There is a great saying - The Wall built by mind is raised across by Feelings. Or Where the mind builds the walls, feelings comes over. Or let’s say that I have a perceptions, ideas, principals, that is working against the true nature but I still hold on them, so feelings are coming from within not the mind and they for sure are leading and brightening the possible ways I can choose to change the borders of my principals, perceptions. If one ignores too many warnings- the anger or resentment etc. the feelings does not disappear, and has to make a double effort to stop them, but if one do recognise for example anger let’s say after hearing some words from my parents or spouse that I take painful- it is possible to make new decision within to change the inner response not the outer source. First part of artwork is FLOODS as feelings AND there comes the second part – BRIDGE as new and fresh path, a ventilation which is opposite to the stuckness.